Šarpejs / Shar Pei

Dog Breeds

Šarpejs / Shar Pei

Postby tiina » 29 Mar 2010, 16:04

ORIGIN : China.



UTILIZATION : Hunting- and watch-dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossians and Swiss
Mountain-and Cattledogs.
Section 2.1 Molossian, Mastiff type.
Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : This Chinese breed has existed for hundreds of years in the provinces bordering the South China Sea. The town of Dialak in the province of Kwun Tung is probably the place of origin.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Active, compact, short coupled and squarely built dog of medium size. Wrinkles over skull and withers, small ears and « hippopotamus » muzzle impart to the Shar Pei a unique look. Dogs larger and more powerful than bitches.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The height of the Shar Pei from withers to ground is approximately equal to the length of the body, from point of shoulder to point of buttock, especially in males. The length from nose to stop is approximately equal to the length from stop to occiput.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Calm, independent, loyal, affectionate to his family.

Rather large in proportion to body. Wrinkles on forehead and cheeks continuing to form dewlap.
Skull : Flat, broad.
Stop : Moderate.

Nose : Large and wide, preferably black, but any colour conforming to general coat colour permissible. Wide opened nostrils.
Muzzle : A distinctive feature of the breed. Broad from root to tip of nose with no suggestion of tapering. Lips and top of muzzle well padded. Bulge at the base of the nose permissible.
Mouth : Tongue, roof of mouth, gums and flews : bluish black is preferred. Pink spotted tongue permissible. Solid pink tongue highly undesirable. In dilute-coloured dogs the tongue is solid lavender.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong with a perfect scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Padding of lower lip should not be so excessive as to interfere with the bite.
Eyes : Dark, almond-shaped with a scowling expression. Lighter colour permissible in dilute-coloured dogs. Function of eyeball or lid in no way disturbed by surrounding skin, folds or hair. Any sign of irritation of eyeball, conjunctiva or eyelids highly undesirable. Free from entropion.
Ears : Very small, rather thick, equilaterally triangular in shape, slightly rounded at tip and set high on the skull with tips pointing towards eyes; set well forward over eyes, wide apart and close to skull. Pricked ears highly undesirable.

NECK : Medium length, strong, set well on shoulders. The loose skin under the neck should not be excessive.

BODY : Folds of skin on body in mature dogs highly undesirable except on withers and base of tail, which show moderate wrinkling.
Topline : Dips slightly behind withers; then it rises slightly over loin.
Back : Short, strong.
Loin : Short, broad, slightly arched.
Croup : Rather flat.
Chest : Broad and deep, brisket reaching the elbow.
Underline : Rises slightly under the loin.

TAIL : Thick and round at the root, tapering to a fine point. The tail is set very high, a characteristic feature of the breed. May be carried high and curved, carried in tight curl or curved over or to either side of the back. Lack of or incomplete tail highly undesirable.


FOREQUARTERS : Forelegs straight, moderate length, good bone. The skin on forelegs shows no wrinkle.
Shoulders : Muscular, well laid and sloping.
Metacarpus (Pastern) : Slightly sloping, strong and flexible.

HINDQUARTERS : Muscular, strong, moderately angulated, perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear. Wrinkles on upper thighs, lower thighs, rear pasterns as well as the thickening of the skin on hocks undesirable.
Hocks : Well let down.

FEET : Moderate size, compact, not splayed. Toes well knuckled. Hindfeet free from dewclaws.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : The preferred gait is trot. The gait is free, balanced, active with good forward reach and strong drive from the hindquarters. The feet tend to converge to a center line when the speed increases. Stilted gait undesirable.


HAIR : A distinctive feature of the breed : short, harsh and bristly. The coat is straight and offstanding on the body, but generally flatter on the limbs. No undercoat. The coat may vary in length from 1 cm to 2,5 cm. Never trimmed.

COLOUR : All solid colours acceptable except white. Tail and rear part of thighs frequently of a lighter colour. Darker shading down the back and on the ears permissible.
Height : 44 - 51 cm at withers (17,5 - 20 ins).

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

• Deviation from a scissor bite (as a transitory measure, a very slightly overshot mouth is permissible).
• Snipy muzzle.
• Spotted tongue (except pink spotted tongue).
• Large ears.
• Low set tail.
• Coat longer than 2,5 cm.

• Aggresive or overly shy.
• Flat foreface with badly overshot bite; undershot bite.
• Solid pink tongue.
• Lower lip rolled in, interfering with the bite.
• Round, bulging eye. Entropion, ectropion.
• Skin, folds or hair disturbing the normal function of the eye.
• Pricked ears.
• Absence of tail; stumpy tail.
• Heavy folds of skin on body (except withers and base of tail) and limbs.
• Not a solid colour (albino, brindle, patches, spots, black and tan, saddled pattern).

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum
REMARK : Any artificial physical alteration to the Shar Pei (in particular lips and eyelids) eliminates the dog from competition.
FCI-Standard N° 309 / 09. 08. 1999 / GB


Šarpejs ir Ķīnas cīņu suns ar visai savdabīgu izskatu - āda uz visa ķermeņa, bet sevišķi uz kakla un galvas krīt lielās krokās. Šķirnes vēsture skaitāma gadu tūkstošos, taču rakstiskas liecības nav saglabājušās. Ķīnā senatnē šarpeji tika uzskatīti par nabadzīgo ļaužu līdzgaitniekiem, to saimnieki neprata nedz rakstīt, nedz lasīt. Vēlākos gados šarpeji apsargājuši klejojošos mūkus, nodarbināti medībās, mājokļu un ganāmpulku apsargāšanai, arī kā cīņu suņi. Līdz pat laikam, kad Ķīnā tika ierobežota suņu turēšana, ar tīršķirnes suņu audzēšanu neviens nenodarbojās. Tikai pagājušā gadsimta septiņdesmitajos gados, kad šarpeji jau atradās uz izmiršanas robežas, tika uzsākta plānveidīga audzēšana, ar grūtībām atrodot piemērotus dzīvniekus.

Šarpejs ķīniešu valodā nozīmē "smilšu āda", kas trāpīgi raksturo asā, īsā, stāvā apmatojuma struktūru un krāsu. Līdzīgi kā čau-čau, arī šarpejiem raksturīga tumši violeti zila mutes gļotāda un mēle. Visu ķermeni vairāk vai mazāk klāj ādas krokas, kas selekcijas procesā veidotas, lai pretiniekam būtu grūtāk iekosties kaklā un piespiest šarpeju pie zemes. Augumā šarpejs nav pārāk liels - augums nepārsniedz 46-51 cm, svars - 16-20 kg. Šim sunim ir spēcīgs kvadrātveida ķermenis ar taisnām kājām, aste ciešā gredzenā piespiesta pie muguras.

Šķirnes cienītāji augstu novērtē suņu savdabīgo izskatu. Flegmatiski mierīgie, taču neatkarīgie, valdonīgie un atturīgie šarpeji var sagādāt zināmas problēmas nepieredzējušiem saimniekiem. No ģimenes loka šarpejs izvēlas vienu saimnieku, kam ir bezgala uzticīgi, pret pārējiem izturas vienaldzīgi. Mājās diezgan modri un uzticami sargi, svešus sagaida ar skaļu riešanu. Šarpeja apmācībā jāievēro konsekvence, sunim nepieciešams pašpārliecināts saimnieks. Audzinātājam jābūt pacietīgam un neatlaidīgam, sevišķi ar "vīriešu" kārtas pārstāvjiem, kas mēdz būt stūrgalvīgi un kauslīgi.

Šķirnei attīstoties, liela uzmanība tika pievērsta suņu eksterjera veidošanai, audzētāji centās panākt lielāku ādas kroku izveidošanu, kas nelabvēlīgi ietekmēja suņa veselību. Pašlaik šī iezīme netiek uztverta kā noteicošā, tādēļ šarpeji mazāk slimo ar raksturīgajām ādas un acu slimībām. Īsais apmatojums neprasa specifisku kopšanu, lielāka uzmanība jāpievērš ādas krokām un ķepām, raugoties, lai nerastos iekaisumi.

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Re: Šarpejs / Shar Pei

Postby tiina » 09 Apr 2010, 14:48

Šeit dažas bildes.
Image Chernyi Chizh Minotavr
Image Sheila Lai Sha
Bildes no Latvijas molosu šķirņu suņu audzētāju klubs
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Re: Šarpejs / Shar Pei

Postby ORKA » 03 Apr 2013, 12:35

Posts: 67
Joined: 10 May 2010, 12:45

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