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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 10 Jun 2016, 12:52

Uzlabojumi ir un izlabos visu!
Vienkārši noticēt ka kāds zina labāk... it īpaši ja sacensōibās labi rezultāti... ir tik grūti... tik grūti!
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby dresetajs » 10 Jun 2016, 20:28

:kanepe: Nekas, nākošreiz jau būs vieglāk 8-) Un kooperējoties abi sasniegsim vairāk - kaut kas man labāk padodas, kaut kas tev; dalīsimies! :jaa:
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 20 Jun 2016, 09:29

Weekenda apskats

18.06.2016. - http://www.zkk.lv Izturības dienā piedalījāmies ar Ansuz. Izlēmām visās disciplīnās startēt, jo tad arī kopvērtējumā vērtēja.
Stafeti noskrējām gana labi, bet nekādus papildus punktus (es) nesavācu. Tad bija dienas pārbaudes, jeb es to sauktu par temperementa testu normālā formā.
Izskatījās tas tā:

Mums gāja labi!
Pitch&go vinējām... bet tikai 220 punkti...
Falšo zaķi... mēs mājās skrienam citādi līdz ar to vidējs rezultāts
Minipūlingā... nepalikām pēdējie :D Pat j asuperīgi novilktu tā pat nebūtu augstāk diži.
Kopumā palikām trešie.
Gustavs ar Ansi stafetē nopelnīja otro vietu. Malači!

19.06.2016. - Frisbijs - https://www.facebook.com/groups/sunufrisbijs/
Slikti jutos pats, tāpēc paņēmu līdz tikai Ansi un Uri.
Speedrun - palikām 4tie... kaut kā nesmuki uzmetu un Ansuz patērēja daudz laika lai atgrieztos
Progress klasē - Ure tika aizdota Latvijas Galda tenisa čempionei Antrai (Paldies Linda par draudzenes iesaisti) un kopā abām debijā 2.vieta. Ansuz nostartēja ar Anci un laikam palika 4. vai piektie.
Open klase - Ure atkal tika aizlienēta Ancei - pirmais rounds labs, otrajā kaut kas mazāk sanāca, kopumā laikam 6tā vieta.
Ansuz pirmajā roundā samērā vējainos apstākļos 21punkts, bet es diezgan slikti metu... otrajā roundā pirmie divi 4,5 punkti, tad 0 un tad mums iztraucēja... (izvēle vai nu atsāk, vai startē no jauna). Izvēlējāmies no jauna (jo diez vai laiks arī bija apstādināts). Ritms nu jau nebija nekāds... knapi izrāvām uzvaru pēdējā metienā pēdējā sekundē, kur Ansis lepn uzleca vienīgo perfekto ķērienu 5punktu vērtē. Rezultāts zem 40 punktiem... 75% mana vaina, jo nebiju uzķēris nekādu mešanas ritmu... galīgi.
Bullseye - Určis spēlē tik ar vienu disku... savācām 7 metienus no kuriem 6 perfekti. Tur galvenais piedalīties. Ansuz - brīnumaini noķēra 10 no 11 un uzvarējām :)

Kārlim bija samērā melnā diena, bet Akimovām labā... līdz ar to pirmoreiz viņām vairāk medaļu kā mums kopā! Ar to ar sveicam!
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 27 Jun 2016, 14:13

Gaidot nosēšanos, rodas filozofiskas dabas jautājumi pat sunim...

Ansis, 5 gadi
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 30 Jun 2016, 09:12

Šī gada notikums manā sporta dzīvē - Eiropas čempionāts Suņu frisbijā. 9-11.09.2016. ČEHIJA.

Dalība apmaksāta, hotelis ar, Vlada brauc 100% līdzi, Kārlis laikam ar.

Startēšu ar Ansuz un droši vien Wunjo, kā arī Vladas Lyutik Open klasē (Super Pro toss&Fetch), kā arī ar Ansuz metienos uz tālumu.

Mērķis ar Ansuz ir minimums Fināls (top 70 no ~250 vai 300), tas ir pēc pirmā smetienu sērijas kvalificēties otrajai sērijai. Viens metiens greizi un brauciens var izvērsties par 90sek uzstāšanos (izgāšanos) :D Labs būs rezultāts ja pārsniegsim 42p robežu, bet vispār būtu jāsasniedz personiskais rekords... tātad vismaz 45 punkti, kas varētu ievest Top10... varbūt. Tikai jau vienmēr jārēķinās ar laikapstākļiem... un daudz ko citu. Bet mērķis ir nostādīts.
Vai brauks Wunjo vai nē, vēl nezinu. Redzēs kādu stabilitāti nostādīšu. Ja nebūs nekas, brauks kaut vai Ūre... vai kas zina, atradīšu vēl kādu citu...
Pieteicos arī ar Lyutik, jo kāpēc gan ne (10 EUR). Suns ir labs un vismaz vēl 6-7 skrējiensu paspēs nedēļas nogalē izdarīt. Viņš nav sliktāks par Ansi...
Tālumā mērķu nav. Galvenais tiesnesis piedāvāja viņam būt par mācekli... bet atļāva startēt. ar metienu 55m robžās būšu apmierināts (no ~50 dalībniekiem būt pa vidu būtu ok)

Vlada un Lyutik
Debitēs frīstailā (otrā divīzija). Kālab lai to nepaveiktu Eiropas čempī ;) Malači!
Open klase - ceru ka tiks finālā!
Tālums - grūti ar pateikt. Lai sanāk vismaz 45m

Kārlis un Jete
Open klase - cerams atkārtos LV rekordu... 46.5p... kas būtu... LIELISKI!
Tālums... cerams uzmetīs 60+m

Iespējams vēl ar Jeti arī startēšu vai kādas arī ar Ansuz.

Katrā gadījumā Latvijas debija! :latvija:
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby Korland Rein » 01 Jul 2016, 09:59

:latvija: Super!
Inspired by Rottweiler
"Ikvienam ir tiesības uz vārda brīvību, kas ietver tiesības brīvi iegūt, paturēt un izplatīt informāciju, paust savus uzskatus. Cenzūra ir aizliegta.", Satversmes 100.p.
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 17 Aug 2016, 10:00

LIVE VIDEO: http://ustre.am/1xaoU
20.08. - Sestdien/Saturday no/from 17:00-20:00 (GMT+2, Latvia summer time)
21.08. - Svētdien/Sunday no/from 17:00-20:00 (GMT+2, Latvia summer time)

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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 22 Aug 2016, 13:00

Nedaudz nolaidām lažu LV CH frisbijā... nedaudz... :latvija:
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 24 Aug 2016, 09:17

Well, its settled... Wunjo brauc uz Eiropu. Kopā ar Ansi protams...
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby dresetajs » 25 Aug 2016, 13:23

Nu redzi! Vajadzēja tikai pavisam mazliet patrenēties citur, un super rezultāti! A būs vēl labāk! :latvija:
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 26 Aug 2016, 08:47

dresetajs wrote:Nu redzi! Vajadzēja tikai pavisam mazliet patrenēties citur, un super rezultāti!

Jā, nedrošibas sajūta sacensību vidē izskatās ka Wunjo ir izārstēta. Paldies.
Labāk būs, bet Wunjo brauc "nākotnes" vārdā, es uz viņas rezultātu īpaši neceru.

Ansuz vs Wunjo
Ātrums: 7 vs 9 (var paspet 6,1 metienus vs 6.5 = 90 sek laikā) - Ansuza cerības atnest 7 metienus ir mazas, Wunjo ir 50/50
Atdošana: 6 vs 9.5 (nomet pie kājām vs precīzi atdod rokās). Ja nomet neprecīzi, man paliek mazāk laika metienam, viņš jau aizskrien un tad bieži nenoķer...
ķeršana: 8 vs 4-5 (Noķers arī manus feilus vs lec nedomājot un bieži nenoķer)
Atspole: 8 vs 5 (noķer disku un skrien atpakaļ vs noķer disku un vēl noskrien uz priekšu 5-15m)
Vid.rezultāts: 21-22/25 vs 15-17/25 (tas ir vienā roundā. Wunjo spēj savākt arī 22+, bet visdrīzāk ne šo sezonu)

Ansuz ir 4.5 gadu pieredze, Wunjo 2 gadu pieredze.
Tas ir Ansuz ir bijis visos mačos kas bijuši LV izņemot pirmos un vēl vienus...
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 30 Aug 2016, 08:56

Eiropas čempis pēc 10 dienām... gatavība? nez... :D
Ansuz uz Open ir gatavs, nebūs perfekta pienešana, jo to neesmu līdz galam pārmācījis, bet tas līdz šim mačos nav traucējis, problēmas rodas tikai ja kaut kas gadās laukumā...
Wunjo joprojām protams lec un lec un ne vienmēr ķer... jaunības maksimālisms joprojām lielāks par precizitāti.
Tālums... reāli apzinos ka pāri pa 50m ir tikai reāli un pie veiksmes 60m... zinu ka max būšu dalībniekiem pa vidu. Bet tas nav mūsu galvenais mērķis čempī.

Mēŗki joprojām iepriekšējie - tikt finālā. Minimusm ar Ansuz, ax ar vēl kādu. Un paskatīt kā tas notiek Lielajā dīķī!
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 13 Sep 2016, 16:32

Un mēs esam atpakaļ no Eiropas čempionāta suņu frisbijā. No debijas šāda līmeņa pasākumā. Ar 5.vietu no 152 dalībniekiem SuperPro Toss&Fetch (Latvijā saukta Open klase). Kā arī 10.vietu tālmešanā. Papildus tam visam arī 32.vieta ar Vladislava​s Lyutiku un 63.ar Wunjo... varēja būt arī citādi jo pēc pirmās dienas bijām dalīti līderi, bet... mums tā bija debija, pietrūka pieredzes... atkārtojām personisko rekordu. Nekas, citreiz ies labāk :)

Rezultāti te:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... _c/pubhtml

Milzīgs paldies ģimenei par atbalstu un visām rūpēm, jo īpaši jau sievai Sandra​i! Bērni ar darīja visu ko varēja lai izturētu karstumu un dotu savu ieguldījumu :)
Paldies arī Vladislava, Karlis​ un Zane​ par komandas darbu!

Arī Kārlis startēja atzīstami - 24.vieta SPTF un 11.vieta tālumā (savā grupā palika 2trais, kamēr es trešais).

Un protams Varonis Vladislava - kas pirmā beidzot Latvijā saņēmās uz Frīstailu un 2rajā divīzijā ieguva 21.vietu!!!

Sīkāks apraksts drīzumā!!! Ko stāstīt ir!!!!!

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Re: eldberg blog

Postby lauva » 13 Sep 2016, 20:14

Jūs tak esat super! Malači! Apsveicu ar labajiem rezultātiem! :aptracis: :latvija:
*The dog is the only animal that has seen his god.*
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby Imagine » 13 Sep 2016, 20:22

Apsveicu ar panākumiem! Vai ir pieejamas arī bildes no pasākuma norises vietas?
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby ZKK » 14 Sep 2016, 07:47

:latvija: :dejosuns: Apsveicam!!!!!!!!!! :latvija: :dejosuns:
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 14 Sep 2016, 10:26

Būs gan bildes gan video... tikai vispirms jāpaspēj iekavētie darbi :)
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 16 Sep 2016, 15:49

The Euro dog frisbee ch 2016 - Part 1 - the start with the wrong foot

I had waited for it like... for long time.. not forever, but long time. The European Dog frisbee Championships (under USDDN rules, including Long distance throws under The Quadrupped rules) in Czech.
Preparations had started also long time ago. Probably I got a real sense what SuperPro Toss&Fetch on a real competition level is after Russian championships in 2014. Since then all our effort has been on SPTF, only a little bit on Distance. Ansuz (my 5 year old Australian Shepherd male) has won pretty much every SPTF event in Latvia (with the small exceptions). Together we have won the last and only two national championships. Wunjo (2,5y old Aussie female) is a great runner, but is still in development as a catcher. She is also a little shy of new place, that we have managed to correct (still work in progress) with the help of fellow frisbee friend and dog trained Vladislava Akimova. I also (with my family) own Ure (9.5y female) and Hagl (8 year olf male Aussie). But this time its not the story about them, but my families and friends trip to the Euro CH.

Some sort of plan to visit Czech was made all ready when it was announced they will host the 2016 event.Then it was to be decided who is going... Kārlis and Zane with Jete (our closest competition, that also beat us on national level) were interested in SPTF and Vladislava Akimova decided to finally do a freestyle (and compete in Division II). She actually put together the program in 2 months, when she knew for sure she will be approved to compete. We all had paid our hotel reservations, entry fees... all was set.
Just for long tome we did not know - we will go with one car (bus) or with 2...
I had arranged a bus, but was warned that is its not in mint condition to say the least. But since it had passed the technical check - it should be reliable, right? RIGHT?

So, we were set to drive out on Wednesday evening. We covered the carpet of the bus with cardboard, so that dog fur would be easily removed. My family (me, wife Sandra, 6y old son Gustavs, and 1 year old Ulla +Ansuz + Wunjo) drove out to pick up Karlis, Zane and Jete. When we reached the Riga (its about 50km from us), car was quit warm, so we finally decided to turn on the AC. First thing Zane asks, when she sees the bus - whats that noise? Bus was quit loud, so I had not noticed... started to look, opened the bonnet... it was making a horrible screeching sound... like a belt has snapped. But... after examination the motor, we found nothing... turned the car down, turned it up... still the same. Then we remembered the AC. turned it of... sound stopped... then we found a leak under right rear wheel... some pipe was steaming... it could not be fixed... so... by mutual agreement, we decided to go with out the AC to our trip, that was promised to be +28c... pretty much all the way. Then we picked up Vladislava and Lyutik and Rozh. Bus is 1+8 seats. Jete was sitting in front, Rozh in cage, Ansuz on ground in back by Sandra and Ulla, wunjo as a cork between him and Lyutik. Even so no one was fighting, there was a little tension between them. I asked Vlada, is the car ok, is not it to tight? She said, hell no, they have driven a sedan with 5 dogs, 5 humans and tents to Finland... so this is comfy :)

So, we set out, armed with energy drinks for drivers. We left Riga at 22.15... the night went by quit ok, me and Karlis switching to sit by the wheel. Ulla was relatively calm. The morning came with rising temperature... and the fan of the car was no help with out the AC. Soon it was hot... tried to open windows, but that also is not a solution as its easy to catch cold.... tried to open small windows... and when tried to close one... it just would not go back... luck us - we had duct tape... problem solved in best MacGyver style. Then for the trip not to be to boring, we started to lose 3rd gear at first..., then 5th... then 4th... its not that we lost it, but it was extremely hard to shift to it. Karlis remembered a solution - maybe not the correct translation but something like "shift-gas".. you push the gas pedal, than release it , then clutch and then put in the gear you need... its an extra roar, but... at least you get the gear you need... if lucky. Many times by the time you managed to get the 5th gear in, you all ready had dropped speed to 4th at best... and we are driving on a highway...

Then the car heated up a bit more... we all were using water as much as we could... but at one point, some 2h before the finish Ulla said enough is enough... she vomited back all the juice and peach smoothie she had just eaten... all over me... all over... and by all over, I mean all over. Including also Ansuz who was sitting in his cooling vest. Sandra also had overheated. But... at some 18.00+ we reached our destination...

Settled in the hotel - us with Vlada and Karlis and Zane got lucky as they had the room to themselfs only. Set up the doggy cages (ours being from fabric), that Wunjo destroyed the front door quit quickly... Repairs - yes, of course, done by Duct tape! Went to registration... asked a ton of questions to organizers... got to knew our start times, got elected as Team leader... went for a beer... and to sleep... to find that the room is hot and sleeping is hard...
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 20 Sep 2016, 08:16

The Euro dog frisbee ch 2016 - Part 2 - a day that nothing could go wrong... or could it?

what I forgot from the first day evening - as we settled in, I went immediately to try out the field. Wunjo especially needs to know the area where she has to run. Test runs were good.

Getting to fall asleep was a challenge... Dogs were like 10cm from my bedside in their crate, sometimes panting, then there was noise from outside (window was open to get any oxygen and cooler air) and more noses within the room. Anyway, got a descent sleep, got up at 7:00, went with the dogs for a walk, Vlada was also up, Kārlis had to be waken up. Made sure that dogs had pooped, as at local events, we have little time to walk them (as we are organizers also), so I end up almost always with a DSQ (or reduced score) in some disciplines. Both of them did it twice, so that was a promising start for the day :) They did not get fed in the morning as they got a larger portion in the evening. Again, we went out to try the field, even so it is wet. We at home 50+% get wet grass and its not a huge deal. Practice was also fine.
First starter was Vlada in women distance. The move was excellent, but the disc flew so much sideways... well, Latvia had made its debut at Euro CH. I actually do not remember the rest of the schedule, but I know I was to start with Wunjo first. She was ~15 in the list for SPTF. I had managed to walk more times the dogs, and they had managed to find extra reserves fro more poops... But I was now quit confident there will be no trouble... but please pay attention to the title of part 2. Anyway... Wunjo got fetched from hotel room, and moved around a bit and she was ready for hers start. All throws were successful. That is something that does not happen with this dog. And all were past 36m line. At home we use soft mini cones that show where the center line is at the 36m mark.Now I had to guess a bit if we have trowed correctly. Ansuz was almost last in group and it turned out that Lyutik was to start after the break, so we had some free time. Vlada had done hers distance throws, and also TF for freestyle. Now it was our turn to do SPTF with Lyutik. We had managed only 3 practice shots together. Vlada throws in a different style as I do. So Lyutik is used to catch low flying discs, not one that are flying higher and then landing.
Anyway, I saw that he can manage them, so I threw as I know. Vlada was double handling from back. After the second shot I saw that one judge rised hers hand and the dog landed close to 45m line... So... I thought that I lost the points and started to throw a bit closer. After the throws I was quit confident we got at least 21 points...
Then somewhere in middle also Karlis had his start. Jete was working fine, but it was not the best series of throws from Karlis he has done. I Thought its somewhere ~19-20points.
Finally it was Ansuz turn. The reason why I had come to this event. We did not miss the first shot was we usually do - its either I throw bad or he is to excited and makes a mistake. As he is able to do 6 runs only it is vital to get the first. And It went from there... all 6 got caught. and all behind 36m. Feeling was good! He did drop one disc 2m or so from throw line, but I had anticipated that, so I picked the disc, made him run around me 2x, so that he dos not run to much in front. It was just now a matter to wait for the results. I thought that they will be released only on Saturday... but they were available the same evening... and it was a shock. Me ans Ansuz were in split 1st and Wunjo was in split 3rd. 24 and 23,5 points respectively. That was not the start I was hoping for in my dreams... Ansuz yes, Wunjo no. Kārlis had done better that I had counted 20.5p, but Lyutik had less - 19.5 (must have been that we landed 2x at ~35m not 36) - shame that we lost those points. But I was confident that we all would make the top 70....
Now you ask what could go wrong? The nerves...
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Re: eldberg blog

Postby eldberg » 07 Nov 2016, 11:41

Day two... the waiting

Well, actually we had Quadruped planed for day2, so it was waiting and participating :)
Of course for Long distance I chose Ansuz. It started in the morning, so I was up in time, dog walks... then practice shots. I never really was counting on a great result. Since in Latvia we do not play by Quadruped rules and light discs. And I also only had 2x discs :D Kārlis also came for the practice... well, best I could do was +/-50m... or so...
There was no draw, we just went out in order of our names or surnames. The qualification throws with out discs are just a formality in which group you will be playing. I hoped to be in group 1, in order to be done with it.
So.. me on the line... 2-3 steps... disc goes away... and by away I mean to the right... not straight, but to the right a lot... what was it... ~20m... well. wse :D Could have been worse. I was with last or pre last score... but got my first group.
Within my group I got: Gurov, Radomski... I did not know others... anyway... it was enough with Gurov to know that I am not getting out of the group.
Again, we are on the line... (and its so long ago I dont remember now all ready)... first throw as I recall was not scored, second was ~50, last one went sideways... 50m is ok. Disc of course was close to unusable.
In the end it turned out that I was 3rd in my group. So now I learn how its played out. Top 3 get extra 3 throws, then top 2 get extra 3 throws... and then there is the group winner.
Well, I missed out to Darius by some 3m if I recall correctly... 3rd in group was fine! At first I thought I will not attend the last chance (all group non advanced players battle for one more place in finals)...
Karlis did even better, he got 2nd in his group but with some 53.9m...
So... my nerves? They were not affected in the long distance... Vlada still had hers SPTF. Lyutik did ok, but Vlada missed some throws, so they managed to get 14+ points... as it will turn out, a bit shy of the SPTF finals.
The Last chance round. Well... what do I have to lose... and in principle to myself I wanted to do better than Karlis... Since in Qualification I had the worst result, again I was the first... I managed 54... that was 10cm better than Karlis... (sorry that it annoyed you Karlis) and my result for very long time stayed the best... Of course I was beaten in the end, but it was nice, to be in front of others. In overall standings I placed 10th. Not bad. Definatly have to get more light discs and practice, as so many woman (smaller than me) can throw the same discs further...
My nerves... they jumped to my brain, as i was calculating how I will do on Sunday... I knew that I cant know the score, I was suppressing these thoughts... It as a big mess in my head. Big.
Further more, I had no one to ask for the advice. When I met Gurov, his "advice" was: my condolences to you, since no one from top ten in first day gets in top10 in finals... Well, he actually is quit right... some last year results show that it usually end like he said...
Since the final is another field than the qualification, I tried to practice on that field at least with Wunjo as she is not very much ok with surroundings she does not know. I also noticed when the sun sets down, and from what side you can throw... Practice was ok. but the final day was yet to come...
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